Family Plan
Your family is the most exciting and important adventure of your lives
We want to accompany you to build a happy marriage

An exclusive plan for each family.
Individualized attention and an organized follow-up system.
A system of shared responsibility between the two members of the couple.
success rates
effectiveness forachieve pregnancyin thefirst cyclefor use in couples with normal fertility:76%
effectiveness forpostponetemporarily or permanently a pregnancy99.5%

1, 2, 3... 18 children...?
It is not a matter of numbers, but of thinking big!
We give you the keys to discover your family plan.
In addition, we put at your disposal
the best Family Planning models.
Based on the knowledge and understanding of the couple's natural phases of fertility and infertility.
Effectiveness for:
- Achieve pregnancy in couples of normal fertility
up to 98%
- Temporarily or permanently Postpone pregnancy
up to 99.5%