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Naprotechnology is a women’s health science  developed in USA 

that is it revolutionizing the world of Fertility and Reproductive Health.

medical approach addressed to restore your fertility.

Based on the Diagnosis and Treatment of the causes of infertility,

both of the man as well as woman.

Recién nacido

Creighton Model

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Bebé con chupete

The Creighton Model Fertility Care System is one of the diagnostic tools of NaProTechnology.


 Consists of the observation and recording of biomarkers

that monitor daily behavior the fertility cycle of the couple


The analysis of biomarkers allows to

identify and diagnose possible alterations that occur in the ovulation cycle,

it is also a key element to identify the suitable days to perform both diagnostic tests and treatments.

A true revolution in the approach to infertility

Once the causes of infertility have been identified, a tailored treatment is proposed for each couple. 

A medical and/or surgical treatment addressed to fulfill your dream of being parents 


Their high efficiency to achieve pregnancy is evidenced in medical studies carried out over the last 30 years



Medical Team

national and international network of fertility experts at your disposal.


All of our Naprotechnology professionals have being trained in the USA 

Fertility care specialists will guide and accompany you in learning the Creighton Model


The medical consultant specialists in Naprotechnology will diagnose the possible causes of your infertility and will propose the most appropriate treatments in each case.  

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